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A Message to Nonprofit Board Members


You are a prominent representative of the organization you love and support. Your voice is important. It doesn’t matter if you are scared of public speaking—most people are until they do what it takes to act through the fear and find it soon dissipates. 


Some people use humor (or what they falsely believe is humor) because they’re afraid of the vulnerability called for in the moment; some think proclaiming they’re nervous will make up for lack of preparation; and, some think speaking off the cuff, which is really rambling off the cuff, is something others will envy. Wrong on all counts.


When you speak on behalf the organization, you are the face of that organization, and you are branding not only yourself but the nonprofit that is working so hard to garner donor, volunteer, and public support. They deserve your best and so does the audience, whether that is one person or one thousand.


Ask your CEO what message will be delivered best by you and then listen and follow the suggestions. Prepare what you’re going to say and practice how you’ll say it. Stay within the timeframe you’re given. Get a coach if you don’t know how to even begin the process of giving a compelling presentation. Invest the time, money, and effort it takes to improve your speaking skills. 


It’s not about you. It is about the clients you serve and if you don’t think they’re worth showing up fully for, perhaps you will reconsider your position and make room for those who will honor the role they’ve been gifted.


The ambassadors who show pride in their organization, articulate the cause clearly and concisely, and always remember it’s about the audience, bring unexpected support to their cause and are always in high demand for other opportunities. Be like them.


With high hopes,


Amy Ayoub

President, The Zen Speaker

December 2024 Writers Retreat.png

Take a deep breath. Now imagine yourself with a small group of creative souls feeling what you’re feeling. This time it’s going to be different. No excuses. You’re in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. And you’re leaving with the speech (or book or blog) you’ve had in your subconscious for a long time.


Out of your head, out of your heart, on paper and on the way to those who need and want to hear it. Finally. We will brainstorm, we’ll listen, we’ll write. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry (I hope because I love the catharsis of it), we’ll bond, and we’ll write. You'll be surrounded. inspired and nourished by the group's loving support.

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The investment in yourself is $1,500 for one year of coaching, live virtual calls, homework, access to a private Facebook group with others on their self-growth journey, and much more.


Both one-time and monthly payments options are available.

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