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What Age Is the Perfect Age?

Dear Friend, 

What is your normal reaction when someone says they’re old?


This subject has been on my mind since my 70th birthday last month. I’m often amused and surprised at the strong reactions people have to the simple statement, “I’m old.” I admit I sometimes say it on purpose to hear what they are going to say in response; and, almost always, it’s something like: “Don’t say that!”  “You’re not old!” “You look great!” “You’re young at heart!” Do you hear yourself in any of those?


Being old means we have lived a long time. Where is the negative in that? Where does that say it’s bad or we should fear or avoid it? 


I wear my age with a badge of honor. It’s nothing short of a miracle that I lived past 25, and here I am in all my glory at 70! I’ve known and heard of so many people, as I’m sure you have, who died young.  They never got to brush their gray hair or to caress the wrinkles on their faces that each told a story. 


I wonder why people react with that denial, like when they say, “You’re not old!” What do they fear? Do they dread the thought of being old one day, too? I hope not. If you’re one of those people, consider examining your relationship with aging. Embrace it and it will embrace you. 


Let’s have fun with this experiment! The next time you hear someone say, “I’m old,” use one of these responses:

“Yes, you certainly are! Congratulations!”

“Isn’t that fabulous!”

“I’m so happy for you!”

“Congratulations—I can’t wait to be old like you!”


We are laughing together by now, aren’t we? What do you think would happen if you did that? I understand that some people say it with a woe is me attitude, but you have the power to change that for them, too, when you change the perception of aging in yourself. 


If you lose a friend by trying this, call me. I’ll happily be your old friend!

With gratitude,



Amy Ayoub

President, The Zen Speaker |


Beyond the Expected: 
Learning The Zen Speaker System (Level 1)


Making a few slight changes in your communication skills will create a significant difference in how you impact your audience. During this 4-month program, you’ll learn proven techniques designed to lessen the time you’ll need to reach your goals as you:


  • Become calm, confident and compelling in the spotlight

  • Gain instant credibility with your audience

  • Conquer anxiety through proven techniques you can practice anywhere

  • Present in a conversational and engaging manner

  • Discover and share your unique story to create a personal connection


What you need to know about Beyond the Expected:

  • The environment will be safe and respectful

  • Sessions are once a month on the 3rd Friday for 4 months

  • Classes are from 8:30 am – noon

  • Class is limited to 12 people

Take the first step and go Beyond the Expected with The Zen Speaker.


Upcoming Virtual Class

Begins Friday, June 18, 2021
8:30 AM - 12 PM

$2,500 is the investment in yourself!

Conquering Your Fear Virtual Workshop


Is fear holding you back?

Do you find yourself remaining quiet when you want to speak up?

Are you avoiding situations that would put you at the head of the table or front of the room for fear of being judged, not being good enough or being exposed as an imposter (you know, that dreaded imposter syndrome!)?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you can put an end to that with this virtual workshop! If you’ll allow it, these 45 minutes will change your life. Transformation is possible when you open up to it! 


Next Opportunity

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

9:00 a.m.
INVESTMENT: $79 per registrant

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