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Dear Friend,


Have you ever advocated for someone? Are you that person  who asks, “Who do I know or what can I do to help?” when someone shares a problem? My life has been full of people like that. They aren’t always the people I expected; in fact, they are often someone I wouldn’t even have thought to ask for help. The special ones are the ones you don’t have to ask—they offer when they hear the problem, or they make sure you know to always come to them and they’ll help when they can. They make it easy to reach out.


With the flooding disaster I had in my home that I wrote about in the last newsletter, many people have offered advice of what I should do but no one came forward with the ability and willingness to make a call or write a letter for me that would move the process along. And that was okay because I knew I had someone I could call who always makes me feel like she welcomes a chance to help. The time came when no movement was happening after 9 weeks. I called her and within an hour the contractor was scheduling a time to meet me and said that they would work straight through until it’s done because I’m a priority. After all that time of no communication, one call from the right advocate and I’m a priority!


And, so far, they’ve kept their word, and the work is progressing quickly.​​

While it’s frustrating to have to call for backup to get the service we deserve, it’s a gift when an advocate appears on your behalf!

That same person contacted me after I testified in front of the Nevada State Legislature in 2013 about being trafficked. While I was met with overwhelming kindness and love, she was the one who said, “What can we do, as a legal services organization,  to directly help survivors?” She then met with the group I gathered, consisting of other survivors, service providers and a forensic traumatologist to brainstorm the many needs victims and survivors have and she made sure her staff got involved in all the ways they could. She continues to be a fierce advocate for us. What makes her stand out is she is a pro-active advocate; she offers help before you realize there is help! She has helped me in countless ways over the years and never once makes me feel she tires of it.


Just yesterday, I needed an advocate for a friend who was left out in the hallway of the ER at a hospital for two days while in great pain, being told he needed surgery but couldn’t have it until they could get him a room. They were making him fast from food and water, preparing for surgery that still hasn’t been scheduled after two days; he was even dressing his own wound. The surgeon finally spoke to him but could only say there was nothing he could do until he got a room. I made a call to a friend who texted someone and, within minutes (minutes!!), he was being moved into a room and has continued to be treated like a VIP there since my friend interceded. Advocates can be life savers. They definitely feel like them when a person is in need.

SYNONYMS FOR ADVOCATE: Champion, Supporter, Promoter, Proponent, Protector, Patron, Upholder, Backer

I can’t imagine how many times a day they get calls or texts asking for some type of help. I know how often people reach out to me and how often I, in turn, reach out to others. It’s a lot! And guess what? It feels good! Making a call to ask for a favor on someone else’s behalf has the same result as feeding the homeless, donating money to your favorite charity, or walking the dogs at a shelter: it makes the giver and receiver feel equally happy.


You don’t have to be a CEO or philanthropist, or even well known to be an advocate. Someone who did a huge favor for me is a school counselor, another is a valet…it’s not about titles, it’s about relationships and a willingness to champion others.


What about you? Will you keep your eyes open and look for opportunities to proactively advocate for someone? It’s an easy way to feel great!


With gratitude,



Amy Ayoub

President, The Zen Speaker


The benefits of becoming a calm, confident and compelling speaker extend far beyond the stage. Whether it's in the boardroom, a sales meeting or a professional networking event, your public speaking skills will propel you forward in your career and throughout your life.

4-half day virtual, group coaching sessions are guided by Amy Ayoub.

Classes begin Friday, May 17, 2024.




The investment in yourself is $1,500 for one year of coaching, live virtual calls, homework, access to a private Facebook group with others on their self-growth journey, and much more.


Both one-time and monthly payments options are available.

June 2024 Writers Retreat Selection.png

Take a deep breath. Now imagine yourself with a small group of creative souls feeling what you’re feeling. This time it’s going to be different. No excuses. You’re in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. And you’re leaving with the speech (or book or blog) you’ve had in your subconscious for a long time.


Out of your head, out of your heart, on paper and on the way to those who need and want to hear it. Finally. We will brainstorm, we’ll listen, we’ll write. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry (I hope because I love the catharsis of it), we’ll bond, and we’ll write. You'll be surrounded. inspired and nourished by the group's loving support.

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